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Sis built an entire Software system BY HERSELF!!

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Written by: Allegra Jackson

WIN Community Founder

Subject: Metakonnects

This is phenomenal!! The workflows, websites, CRM, social media management, affiliate marketing, and the list goes on...

Can you guess what I'm talking about!?

It SYSTEMS and SOFTWARE! Or just Metakonnects to be exact. Our WIN Host, S. Orinthia Duncan, has been a WIN community member for over a year. She is the creator and innovator of this sexy system through her software Metakonnects to support your Business growth.

With over 10+ years of experience in various industries such as Restaurant, Retail, Technology, Finance, Delegation, and Outsourcing, she is a force to be reckoned with! Orinthia is not only a Personal Development and Business Coach, but also an avid learner who is always seeking to expand her knowledge and skills. Her focus on Business systems, automation, and delegation is second to none.

Get a COMPLIMENTARY 30 day trial to Metakonnects >>> CLICK HERE FOR 30 days of Email Marketing, Client Conversations, Website design, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing and more!!!

Join the WIN conversations "Systems are Sexy" and get a LIVE DEMONSTRATION on how to use Metakonnects for your Business.

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