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Read to Your Best

How do you become your best self?

That is the question of questions. Many would argue that the answer lies within an individual and with individual purpose. I agree with this ideology. Additionally, I think we can agree that you determine your potential. You mold your best self as well as define it.

A few years ago, I went on this journey to begin exploring self-improvement. This consisted of researching various routines involving health and wellness. I came across many methods to establish and improve one’s routine—from journaling to working out in the morning to 75 Hard. My ultimate goal was to improve myself in every aspect. I wanted to feel more grounded, healthy, and mindful. This personal journey led me to hop on Amazon and order many books.

We have all been told how much better the book is than the movie; Harry Potter is an example I vividly remember. Similarly, many self-improvement gurus are in favor of reading as a reliable and informative source of knowledge. I read some of Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and Chris Voss’s Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It. I have a list of additional books I would like to read soon. Some are listed below:

Books as a resource for personal growth provide perspectives and insights into how to alter habits to transform happiness, humility, and security. Through reading some of these books, Chris Voss taught me more about why people make the decisions they do, how to persuade others, and the benefits of mirroring. Malcolm Gladwell taught me the importance of statistics in determining likelihood and how we can make the most of them.

Reading is just one step in how we can improve our lives through our dedication and habits. As I continue to make changes in my routine, I look forward to incorporating more reading and more beneficial habits to achieve greater success. Reading just a few minutes or a few pages a day adds up over time. Adjust your habits and create new ones.

Please feel free to leave your book recommendations!

Emma Bathurst

The University of Texas at Austin

McCombs School of Business | Moody College of Communication |

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 02, 2023

@Emma Bathurst Fabulous work...I really enjoyed reading this 😍 thank you for the literary suggestions as well.

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