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Noelle Cooke: My Pathway Through College To Create My Future

Noelle Cooke

Hey everyone! I’m Noelle Cooke, a rising junior at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, working towards a major in business and a minor in creative writing. I’m super excited to be a part of the WINternship program, and eager to make connections while learning all I can about marketing. Being able to work for WIN, a community that spans across many places and people, is amazing, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to put my skills to use in a way that will uplift women in business and their allies. I was particularly drawn to this program because of the variety of skills I will have the chance to learn and utilize, as well as the chance to gain mentorship. I have worked with social media marketing in the past, mainly for a local business called Lighttrends, where I helped to create posts across various platforms, including Tiktok and Pinterest, boosting brand visibility and engagement.

My Life at Marist

At Marist, I am involved with Games Club and the Marist Orchestra, where I play violin. Some of my favorite classes that I’ve taken include Environmental Economics and Organizational Business. I’m looking forward to my last two years at Marist - it’s hard to believe college is already halfway done. When I first came to college, I had no idea what I wanted to do or what I should major in, but it’s been a fun journey that led me here. I’m looking forward to next semester’s classes, such as Data Modeling for Business and Business & Society. One of my goals before graduation is to join North Road Communications, a student-run IMC firm at Marist.

Beyond the Classroom

Beyond the classroom, my hobbies include reading, writing, and playing with my adorable four cats. I live and grew up in Darien, Connecticut, and this summer I’ll also be working part time at Whole Foods there.

Looking Ahead

From creating content for social media to SEO, analytics, or email campaigns, I am eager to learn more about marketing. If you’d like to connect with me on social media, I’m most active on Linkedin. I enjoy a challenge, and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish over these next few months.

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