Hi 👋 @Bri Cunningham,
I will have a spreadsheet for you with a list of WIN Members to call for our Connect Her 2 WIN conference. There will be columns for their name, number, and who has been called.
Once you make the call, then I’ll ask you to write ✍️ down the date in the spreadsheet along with additional details.
You can use…
PU for Picked Up and not interested highlight in the color red ❤️
LM for Left Message and highlight it in the color yellow 💛
PU for Picked Up and interested highlight in the color green 💚 * If they are interested please text them this: Connect Her 2 WIN Conference link 🔗 👇 https://www.wincommunity.org/event-details/connect-her-2-win-annual-conference-2024
Lastly, I’ll be sending over a volunteer contract since you are dealing with members contact information ℹ️ Please let me know if you have any questions so far. Thank you again for your help as it is greatly appreciated!
P.S. Is there anything else you want me to add @Allegra Jackson ?